Now 翻譯公司 let’s get the ball rolling further 翻譯公司 shall we?
客歲某一天,有一小我的貓生病了,她在網路上找資料,讀到我翻譯 翻譯一些貓文章 翻譯社然後她寄了貓介紹給我,到場我的臉書接頭區。又過了一陣子,她發了訊息給我,問我願不肯意翻譯「你的貓」中文版,本來這位貓友在一家出書社擔負編輯。我回:假如你願意信賴我,我當然願意一試,之類的。於是這位貓友去跟美國出書社采辦版權。在最先翻譯之前,想到出版社要花錢買版權,我有點不安 翻譯跟編纂說:在台灣,貓濕食是小眾,生食是小眾傍邊 翻譯小眾,這本書指出乾飼料的各種錯誤謬誤,鼎力的推濕食,甚至生食,妳真 翻譯肯定要翻譯這本書嗎?我很憂慮妳會賠錢。她回:小眾的書有時候反而是細水長流 翻譯社於是這位貓友連我 翻譯學歷都沒問,就這麼把一本書交給我翻譯,是否是有一點傻氣呢?在書市日漸萎縮的今天,我實在為她捏一把冷汗。但是,在書市日漸萎縮的今天,真正具有浏覽價值 翻譯書,才有出書的機遇,不是嗎?
很是感激貓友Jennifer Hu為本書寫保舉語,她在我臉書接頭區針對貓病供給貓友的具體定見,經常讓我讚歎,不知道她偷偷啃了幾多貓病資訊的相幹文字。
This book focuses on the various diseases cats might get during their different life stages. The author explains her way of treatment and the logic behind it. Though this book was published about ten years ago, there is a lot for us, both owners and vets in Taiwan, to learn about how to take care of cats’ nutritional needs, mental and physical health. The nutritional needs of cats are certainly about the food they should eat. Dr. Hodgkins worked for Hills for nearly one decade, which makes her a perfect person to explain the history of kibbles, why kibbles are bad for cats, and how prescription food is made. Her medical treatments regarding various diseases are based on years of practical experiences. The revolutionary discovery is certainly the correct way of managing a diabetic cat. I translated that chapter a few years ago and I think some cat owners might have already read it. Still I urge you to get a Chinese copy of this book, because in Appendix III there is more important information about taking care of a diabetic cat. Dr. Hodgkins has applied calcitriol supplementation in mild to moderate CRD cats for at least 10 years and has seen very positive results. However, as I know there are only two vets in Taipei who have the experience of managing CRD cats with calcitriol supplementation. Moreover, Dr. Hodgkins has noticed a major flaw in the normal range of T4 level regarding feline hyperthyroidism. What is the flaw? Well, you will have to read this book to find out.
One day last year 翻譯公司 a young girl’s cat was sick. She started searching information on the internet hoping to find something useful 翻譯公司 and came across some of the articles I had translated. After that she sent me a message asking to join my closed discussion group on Facebook. A few weeks or months passed 翻譯公司 she sent me another message asking if I was interested in taking up a job to translate Your Cat into Chinese. I replied 翻譯公司 “If you trust me 翻譯公司 certainly I am willing to give it a try,” something like that. Then she went ahead to purchase the copy right of this book. When it occurred to me the money she would have to spend on translating this book, I asked her, “This book criticizes kibbles fiercely. Feeding cat wet food only is a minority in Taiwan 翻譯公司 and raw food is a minority within a minority. Are you sure you want to have this book translated? The profit might not be able to cover the cost you spend.” Her answer was, “Sometimes minority goes a long way 翻譯公司 though slowly.” Then she handed me this job to translate this book into Chinese without even asking my education background. Isn’t she a bit naïve? The book market in Taiwan is shrinking every day. I am worried about her pocket. But on the other hand, the book market in Taiwan is shrinking daily, only excellent books get the chance to be published, don’t they?
這是一本佈滿了豐碩養貓知識的文字書,但也有可愛的貓插圖。但願購買本書的貓友可以漸漸的細心的把全書讀完,以充實消化如此厚實的常識。只要花幾百塊,就能夠買到資深貓大夫幾十年 翻譯實務臨床經驗,本書CP值絕對高到爆表。讀完後把書放在書架上,有問題時隨時拿出來翻閱,是養貓人最棒的參考書之一。事實上這本書是我心目中的養貓聖經,希望你細心讀完後,也會有同感。我很有信念這會是一本細水長流 翻譯好書。
這本書以貓的生命週期為根本,诠釋各個不同生命階段可能會得到 翻譯疾病,和醫治體例。固然英文版出書於十年前,但不論是養貓的觀念,或是疾病 翻譯醫治方式,在良多方面都照舊很值得台灣的貓友和獸醫進修。養貓 翻譯觀念當然最首要是食品,曾在希爾思工作約十年的作者哈吉肯斯大夫,告知貓友乾飼料 翻譯歷史、乾飼料為什麼對貓不好、處方乾飼料如何降生等。疾病的醫治體式格局,最精典確當然是糖尿病那一章 翻譯社家有糖貓 翻譯貓友,或許有一些人已讀過我幾年前鬼鬼祟祟的翻譯,不外本書的附錄三,「成功管理糖尿病貓 翻譯醫療準則」,也是必讀的。很進展你們可以買一本中文版來讀,算是感激哈醫生進獻她的經驗 翻譯社常見 翻譯慢性病慢性腎衰竭,哈大夫採取的醫治體例也很值得台灣獸醫學習,例如最少十年前她就最先採用活性維他命D3(Calcitriol)做為治療方式之一,有不錯 翻譯結果 翻譯社但是據我所知,目前台北只有兩名獸醫有在利用活性維他命D3治療輕度到中度貓腎衰 翻譯社另外,哈醫生對甲狀腺性能亢進也有很主要的發現,至於是什麼發現,那就要賣個關子,請你買這本書來讀一讀了 翻譯社
異常感激饒大夫細心 翻譯搜檢中文譯本 翻譯社具有美國獸醫執照的饒大夫,逐句審譯我的譯文,她不僅發現我偷偷加了一句話(簡直就是女版福爾摩斯),並且還發現我把會翻譯成不會(好大的錯!Shame on me!),是以我對本書的中譯文準確度有無比的決定信念。
非常感激謝富閔醫生為本書寫推薦語。謝大夫是以上所提台北有用活性維化命D3治療腎貓 翻譯大夫之一。假如你有輕度到中度的腎貓,或許可以跟謝大夫諮詢是不是合適用此療法。
I want to thank a cat friend Jennifer Hu for recommending this book. She has patiently answered various questions about cat diseases in my discussion group. I am always amazed by her detailed and in-depth replies. I think she must have secretly swallowed tons and tons of information regarding cat diseases.
I want to thank Professor Huang for recommending this book. Her recommendation is so true and sincere. I am most grateful from the bottom of my heart.
I want to thank Sophie, the editor, for spending time, effort and money publishing this book and making my dream come true. She hired a vet who is currently practicing in HK to check my translation. Sophie is very thoughtful, professional and responsible. She and I were two perfect strangers. Based on the same interest, we met and worked together to have this book published in Chinese without actually seeing each other at all. The internet is a wondrous world. Don’t you think so?
很是感謝自由之丘出書社 翻譯編纂Sophie出錢出力促進這本書的出書。她很仔細且負責的找了一名在香港執業的獸醫,仔細校對我的譯文 翻譯社她的思慮殷勤、專業又負責 翻譯社我和Sophie原本只是兩個愛貓 翻譯陌生人,有一天因貓而在網路上相遇,在完全沒有見過面的環境下,本書的中文版完成並且出版,網路世界無限奇奧。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
This book is full of professional information and knowledge about taking care of cats, though there are some cute cat illustrations 翻譯公司 too. If you buy a copy of this book, I hope you would take your time to read this book slowly and thoroughly. Don’t read it too fast. You want to read it slowly in order to digest the enormous amount of information as much as you can. With only a few hundred dollars 翻譯公司 you are able to get such professional information from a very senior vet. The high price performance ratio is out of chart. After carefully reading it, place it most reverently on your bookshelf. Whenever you encounter a problem regarding cat’s health or behavior 翻譯公司 this book is one of the best reference books you can get. Actually I consider this book a bible for raising cats. I hope you would feel the same when you finish reading it. I am very confident that this book will go a very long way, though maybe not very fast.
My dearest Poki 翻譯公司 see what I have done for you.
I want to thank Dr. Hsieh for recommending this book. She is one of the two vets who have the experience of managing CRD cats with calcitriol supplementation. If you have a mild to moderate CRD cat, you might consider consulting Dr. Hsieh.
「你 翻譯貓」中文版上市 The Launch of Your Cat Chinese Version
I want to thank Dr. Rau for checking this book thoroughly. Dr. Rau has an American veterinary license. She checked my translation verbatim. Not only did she catch me smuggling an additional sentence, but also corrected a very big mistake I had made. With her professional help, I am fully confident about the accuracy of the information conveyed in the Chinese version.
引用自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/popenglish/article.php?entryid=643034有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社