

1. Before I proceed with my discussion on second language acquisition, I need to define an important concept, affective domain.

5. An example of a personality factor that falls within the affective domain is the idea of self-esteem

1.      Before I proceed with my discussion on ____研究題目_______翻譯社 I need to define an important concept, _____所要界說的概念_____.

2.      This term has been useful in discussing ___________________ that we observe in ___________________.

3.      _____所要定義的概念_____ refers to _____所要界說概念的內容_____.

4.      It is often contrasted with _____與所界說概念作對比的另外一概念___________, which deals with ____另一概念的界說內容_________. (若不作概念的比較,則可省略)

5.      An example of ___________________ that falls within _____所要定義的概念_____ is the idea of _____所要界說概念的例子______.

6.      _____所要界說概念的例子______ has to do with ______例子的內容________.

7.      In terms of ____研究標題問題_______翻譯社 we often assume that ___________________. (可省略) 

第三句就直指情義範疇的定義,動詞用refer to是論文寫作中界定詞彙的經常使用片語。 

第二句再描寫為何需要定義這個概念,首要是因為據研究者觀察,它在本文所要討論的個性變項( personality variable)中是很有效的(useful)翻譯 


l 練習:


第五句是就界定的概念提供相關的例證,本句就是在所界的定情義範疇中提出個性身分(personality factor),亦即自尊(self-esteem)的例子。此句的personality factor與第二句中的personality variable是相同的意思,論文寫作中有時variablefactor會瓜代使用,以增添字彙使用的多樣性。 


華頓翻譯公司繼續往下商量第二說話習得之前,我需要先界定一個重要概念: 情意範疇。這個辭彙在評論辯論我們所觀察第二語言進修者的個性變項中是很有用的。情義領域是指每個人城市體驗到的感觸感染翻譯它每每是個與認知領域相對的概念,而認知領域是處置華頓翻譯公司們的分析能力。情意範疇個性身分的例子中有所謂的自負,翻譯公司的自尊就是你如何對待本身的概念。第二語言習得,我們通常預設高度自負會導致說話習得上的成功翻譯 

6.    Your self-esteem has to do with your view of yourself.

l 句型:


l 講解:

Before I proceed with my discussion on __________________, I need to define an important concept, __________________. This term has been useful in discussing __________________ that we observe in __________________. __________________ refers to __________________. It is often contrasted with __________________, which deals with __________________. An example of __________________ that falls within __________________ is the idea of __________________.  __________________has to do with __________________. In terms of __________________, we often assume that __________________.

整段文字中的幾個概念其實有條理關係,從最上一層的second language acquisition依序為affective domain, personality variable/ factor到最下層的 self-esteem。文字的進展上也是從第一句開始依序將這些概念介紹出來翻譯 

2. This term has been useful in discussing the personality variables that we observe in second language learners.

1. Before I proceed with my discussion on second language acquisition翻譯社 I need to define an important concept翻譯社 the affective domain. 2. This term has been useful in discussing the personality variables that we observe in second language learners. 3. The affective domain refers to the feelings that everyone experiences. 4. It is often contrasted with the cognitive domain, which deals with our analytical abilities. 5. An example of a personality factor that falls within the affective domain is the idea of self-esteem. 6. Your self-esteem has to do with your view of yourself. 7. In terms of second language acquisition, we often assume that high self-esteem leads to success in language acquisition.

Ø 為概念下界說(defining concepts)

7. In terms of second language acquisition, we often assume that high self-esteem leads to success in language acquisition.

第四句是定義認知範疇(cognitive domain),來與所界說的情意範疇作對照,用以突顯二者的差異。句中的which是關係代名詞,用以代替其前的名詞cognitive domain,而which以後的動詞deal with是第三句的動詞refer to一樣,都是經常使用來撰寫界說的片語翻譯 

下一句又針對何謂自尊作一簡短申明,句中動詞has to do with也是跟refer todeal with一樣,經常使用來講明概念。 

3. Affective domain refers to the feelings that everyone experiences.


首句指出在本文的研究標題問題第二說話習得(second language acquisition)中首先要界說的概念是什麼,作者指出此一重要概念就是情意範疇(affective domain)。另可留意該概念之前要加逗點的寫法。 

4. It is often contrasted with the cognitive domain翻譯社 which deals with our analytical abilities.

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