People use Prozac and other medications to mitigate their depressive symptoms, but for those who choose not to medicate themselves, a January 2017 review of over 100 studies shows that there’s a natural treatment option that is equally effective.The studies validate the practices of Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese medicine, which have used turmeric for holistic healing and cooking. ◎劉宜庭 Could This Turmeric Hot Chocolate Treat Your Blues?這款薑黃熱巧克力能撫慰翻譯公司的憂鬱嗎?
把熱巧克力倒進2個杯子裡,並灑點肉桂粉在上面。 混合所有材料,用中火在小平底鍋裡攪拌。攪拌大約4分鐘,直到液體變熱。 April 7 is World Health Day翻譯社 which this year focuses on depression. According to the World Health Organization翻譯社 depression is "the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide," and over 300 million people live with this debilitating mental illness, an increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2015. Combine ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat and whisk together. Whisk for about 4 minutes until liquid is hot. Pour hot chocolate into two mugs and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top. 薑黃素,薑黃中的活性成份,具有猶如強效抗抑鬱症藥物及神經庇護的作用翻譯這默示它能珍愛你的神經免於毀傷及退化,這是憂鬱症會帶來的副感化。 Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, works as a powerful antidepressant and neuroprotective agent. That means it protects your nerve cells from damage and degeneration, a side effect of depression. It is also anti-inflammatory. Your body and brain will thank you for drinking this turmeric hot chocolate. 喝了這款薑黃熱巧克力飲品,你的身心將受到寬慰。 精英翻譯轉自: http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1092914&day=2017-04-10
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