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學術論文翻譯服務幫一位波蘭朋友徵求接案翻譯機會 語言: 英文翻譯成波蘭文 或是波蘭文翻譯成英文 (如果不適合在這徵求的話 還請指出) 下面是朋友的自介文(也同時徵求英文、波蘭文家教機會喔!) ---------------------------------- ENGLISH and POLISH private tutor/ TRANSLATOR Polish-English;English-Polish I am knowledgeable Polish native speaker with strong written and verbal skills of English as second language. I am able to provide private lessons for people who wants to learn one of above mentioned languages. The lessons will be always adjusted to your individual level, needs, demands and purpose of language study. I can assure you that after our lessons, your language will improve no matter how difficult you think studying another language is. I have been studying in Amsterdam, Netherlands and graduated with bachelor of Fine Arts in audio visual field. While involved in various projects organised in different countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, France and Japan, I got an opportunity to understand and get to know the needs, challenges and usage of foreign languages. Through this I developed competence and extended proficiency in English. Having to write various essays, presentations, official letters and thesis built up my writing skills therefore and I am able to provide satisfactory translation done in a precise manner. I am reliable, hard working well communicative translator who always meets deadlines. I have been freelance translator for Polish employees in Netherlands during official meeting with Dutch authorities. Being a private English tutor in Poland and Taiwan helped me understand the structure of English as well as its correlation with Polish language. I have been employed as english tutor in French International school in Amsterdam. I am well positive person with a lot of passion and love for people and languages therefore I will give all my knowledge and enthusiasm to our lessons. Believe that studying language can be effective and pleasant. Foreign language is like a bridge to the other adventure

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阿姆哈拉文翻譯job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、性別平等工作法」、勞基法」與其他法律之文 發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保! 此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】 ※沒有填寫公司名稱將會被刪文。 ※人資沒有填寫人資公司以及原徵人公司(共2公司)名稱將會被刪文。 國立政治大學 【工作職缺】 專任研究助理 (國貿系荒井夏來老師) Full-time Research Assistant to Natsuki Arai (Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, National Chengchi University) 【工作內容】 行政工作為主 (行政文書、公文、報帳、中英翻譯...) 研究與教學工作為輔 (批改考卷、監考、資料收集、整理老師的筆記...) - Primary: Administrative work (processing administrative documents and Chines e-English translation etc.) - Secondary: Research/teaching related work (data collection and organizing le cture notes in economics.) 【徵求條件】 ※為保障板友就業機會平等,雇主對求職人或所僱用員工,不得以種族、階級 、語言、思想、宗教、黨派、籍貫、出生地、性別、性傾向、年齡、婚姻、 容貌、五官、身心障礙或以往工會會員身分為由,予以歧視。 必要條件: - 中文、英語流利 - 基本電腦操作 (至少要會用MS Office) - 大學學士畢業 加分: 經濟學、會程式語言 - Proficiency in English - Computer skill (minimum: MS Office) - Bachelor’s degree or above - Knowledge in economics or programming would be an advantage, but not req uired. 【工作地點】 國立政治大學 【工作時間】 ※沒有填寫工作時間將會被刪文。 每週工時超過40小時,請寫加班費 聘用期間: 2017/9月~2018/7/31 依工作表現有機會續聘一年 工作時間: 週一~五 表定是每天工作8小時+1小時休息 *上下班時間彈性*沒有加班* From Fall 2017 to July 31, 2018 (Starting/ending period could be negotiabl e. It could be extended one more year depending on the performance.) 【月休】 ※沒有填寫月休及排班制度 或月休過低將會被刪文。 8天(週休二日) 【公司福利】 請勿寫勞健保 無勞健保是違法的 此欄請寫額外的福利 上下班時間彈性 有時可在家工作 【薪資範圍】 ※行政院勞委會於106年1月1日起調漲基本工資為月薪21,009元 ※無薪資、比照國科會、比照本校規定、面議、電議,薪資不清等水桶一週 時薪工作請貼Part-Time板 月薪未達21009一樣會被刪文 依科技部規定 學士級第一年月薪31520 碩士級第一年月薪36050 【需求人數】 1人 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 聯絡人:Natsuki Arai 聯絡方式:[email protected] 請將「英文履歷」存成PDF 其他加分文件請掃描 履歷須包含:學歷背景、工作經驗、專長、認證 (電腦軟體、語言...等) 會回信給入選者,將在「九月初」開始面試,未入選者恕不另行通知。 Interested candidates should send a CV (as a pdf file) to Natsuki Arai (na [email protected]). In the CV, please include information on your educational background, work experience (TA, RA, etc, if any), and skills and qualification (computer software, language (such as TOEFL), etc.) If you have any supporting documents (academic transcripts, score reports of language tests, etc), please send the scanned copies with your CV. Short-listed candidates will be selected for an interview after the rece ipt of application. The interview will be conducted sometime in early September 【其他備註】 老師不會中文,寄信給老師請用英文!! 我是現任(即將卸任)助理,這份工作主要是協助老師處理所有校內行政文 書,大部分是報帳,行政手續可能有點繁雜,但是習慣後其實就是各種例行 公事,細心點通常不會有問題。 上班時間非常彈性,事情有辦完辦好即可,老師人也很好,希望可以幫他找 到下一任助理!

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Prospect of Guo Wengui explosive revelations 

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本文同步於我的FB粉絲專頁"歌詞翻譯" (7/21那篇):

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%%AAABBB語言翻譯公司代PO,請勿回站內信 本職位需於加拿大蒙特婁長期駐點,請確認自己有前往加拿大工作的意願再行投遞履歷 ────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業/組織全名:Enzyme Testing Labs Inc. ( http://www.enzyme.org/ ) [必]統一編號:加拿大公司,無台灣統編 [必]負 責 人:Martyne Malo [必]地  址:2031 Cure-Labelle Boulevard, Saint-Jerome, Quebec, Canada [必]電  話:1-450-995-2000 [選]傳  真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:協助遊戲中文化,包含翻譯、審稿及其他相關工作 [必]全/兼職:全職 (合約制,先簽一年,視專案需求及表現或可續第二年) [必]涉及語言:英文翻台灣繁體中文 [必]所屬領域:電玩遊戲 [必]報酬計算:$20.6 加幣/小時 (一週工時 40 小時) ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵條件: Job title: LINGUISTIC EXPERT – TRADITIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGE (from Taiwan) We are actively looking for linguistic experts for one of our prestigious international clients. You will be the reference of your language and have to put your own seal of quality. Enzyme is a privately held gaming company founded in 2002 and based in Quebec / Canada. From the beginning, Enzyme decided to focus on video games only. The organization has over 12 years of experience in group insurance testing quality video games and discussion, with offices in Canada and Japan. RESPONSIBILITIES: Linguistic test (10%) * Review and adjust the game texts to identify and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax to produce accurate texts; * Validate the consistency of subtitles and audio so that the text elements are consistent with the corresponding audio; * Identify cultural mistakes and propose relevant adjustments; * Submit content, style or structure recommendations that adds value to written and audio contents; * Enter the linguistic bugs in the database according to the procedure. Translation: (60%) * Translate the text from English to Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) by writing as closely as possible the content, context and style of the original text; * Translate the text of the game in accordance with the terminology of the game and methodology of the client; * Review and correct the texts translated by other translators. Expert content - linguistic expert (30%) * Perform comprehensive analysis of texts to validate understandability, structure, accuracy and adaptation for the recipients; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to the terminology of the game and the client; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to rules and spell nature and typographical conventions used in the organization; * Conduct terminological research in the field of video games to add to the customer terminology bank games; * Validate the translations and revisions produced by team members; * Identify the major linguistic bugs and communicate them to the development team; * Precisely and promptly respond to queries and questions; * Compile and send statistics to the QA Lead so he can incorporate them into the end of day report; * Update and communicate checklists and "trackers" to the team; * Train and supervise, if any, other testers and translators. REQUIRED SKILLS : * Show good interpersonal communications; * Demonstrate thoroughness; * Have a strong sense of observation and attention to detail; * Be able to work under pressure; * Have experience in translation or revision of Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) (3-5 years); * Have a degree in translation, literature or related field (an asset); * Have a thorough knowledge of the cultural environment of the language market for which the game is designed (must have left the cultural environment less than three (3) months ago; * Demonstrate the ability to work with different platforms and types of games; * Good knowledge of Microsoft Word applications (Word, Excel, ...); * Knowledge of the translation tool used by the client (asset); * Mastering of the requested native language - spelling, punctuation, style, grammar, regionalisms; * Mastering the English language both written and oral. WE OFFER : * Paid training; * Competitive salary ($ 20.60 per hour); * Insurance if eligible. Project based position: the candidate must be available for a period of up to 2 years. Selection tests will be sent to applicants to validate mastery of the language. 職缺網址:https://goo.gl/9ofzAS [必]應徵期限:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Karine Theberge [必]聯絡方式:請將履歷寄到 [email protected] ────────────────────────────────────── [選]其他事項: 1. 應徵者不需為加拿大公民,公司可協助申請 Work Permit 2. 本職缺需在客戶辦公室長期駐點 3. 錄取者須於明年二月初報到 註:我與 Enzyme 公司並無商業上的合作關係,純粹協助該公司的 Recruiter 張貼這份職 缺訊息,也與各位分享這個到加拿大工作的機會。如有任何疑問,請直接聯絡該公司,我 無法代為回答,謝謝。

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duona elementary school in maolin district

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%%AAABBB語言翻譯公司 文章發表後即代表您已閱讀過置底的 板務規範 和 發文規範。 以下各項 ◎ 欄位為必填,請確實填寫; 各項 ⊙ 欄位為選填,請按需求填寫。 違反者第一次刪除,第二次水桶,三次以上退文 水桶處置。 徵才發佈後不得以任何理由「私下清除徵才內容」,如有需要請向板務申請。 發文前以上文字請按 加 刪除 ◎我已閱讀過置底的 板務規範 和 發文規範:是 ◎公司徵才: (以下所有欄位均為必填,若為個人徵才此項免填,並請刪除此項目) 公司名稱:orion's reverie    公司統編:    公司地址:    公司電話: 聯絡方式:[email protected] (HR) 公司網址:https://www.patreon.com/orionsreverieinternational/community ◎徵求期限:徵到為止 ◎工作內容描述: 你好,我們是orion's reverie,為一間雲端工作室,主要業務是開發PC\手機\平台遊戲,使用網路工作 這次徵求兩個職缺,分別是遊戲營銷與英日翻譯,合約一年一簽,優先徵求能長期配合的 工作者 Marketing Planner (Game Company, Full time, Part time or Freelancer) Responsibilities: * Develop and implement marketing programs and promotional campaigns * Help contact professional cooperation partners in the gaming and animation field * Prepare presentations for the marketing advertising and investors * Help manage, advise and evaluate all social media platforms Requirements: * Degree or above in Marketing, Communications, Business Administration or related discipline; * 2 years or above relevant experience, preferably gained in Game Industry; * Knowledge in Social Media promotion and Game Market would be an advantage; * Good command of written and spoken English is a must; * Can work under pressure, punctual and sociable. * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office, you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. * 3 weeks annual leave for full time positions. ------ (主要徵求熟悉日文商用翻譯的人,英文可筆談即可) English to Japanese Translator (Game Company, Freelance or Part time) Responsibilities: * Translate game dialogue from English to Japanese and vice versa * Provide interpretations to Japanese professionals in gaming and animation field? Requirements: * Degree holder, preferably in translation/ language and related disciplines * Excellent command of written & spoken English & Japanese * Knowledge in game and animation industry would be an advantage * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office, you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. ◎徵求條件:寫在上面 ◎交件時間:無 ◎案件預算: 全職月薪6000qar折合台幣約48k,兼職薪資水平與全職相同依工作時數領薪資,freelance以件計價個別討論 全兼職工作時間基本上為週日至週四1400-2200,若有時間調整需求請自行爭取,工作法 規/休假/加班費依照卡達勞基法 ◎酬勞時薪試算:全兼職時薪約300元,freelance按照公司過去發案情況絕對超過300元 (商品上架(小幫手)、文章寫手、時薪教學、翻譯、業務等案件,此欄位可略過) (最低酬勞高於 5000,或一次多件,單件最低酬勞高於 3000 時,此欄位可略過) (填寫範例請參考 https://goo.gl/XwXoaB ) (若您對您的案件類型如何試算有所疑問,請來信予板務詢問。) 此案件前置作業評估所需時間為:小時(包含會議、溝通、籌備、提案、確認等) 此案件實際執行評估所需時間為:小時(包含執行、異動、修改、各層級確認等) 此案件總評估時間為:小時,換算時薪為:元/小時 (如時薪低於 133,您已違反勞基法最低薪資,請勿在此發表) (如時薪低於 230,建議轉至 PT 板發表) ◎酬勞發放日:全兼職每月10號前,freelancer可協議先拿酬勞或結案後一個月內給 ◎是否回應所有來信:否 ◎是否需要開立發票:否 ◎是否有試稿(比稿)階段:否 ⊙理想接案對象:全兼職工作者需求自制能力強 ⊙備註: 來信(email)請於標題填寫應徵什麼職缺,全職/兼職/freelance 我們合作方式很自由所以把全職/兼職/freelance選項都寫出來,如有任何不妥地方請告 知,非常感謝

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