中文翻譯越南話提醒!! 請勿張貼違反就業辦事法、勞基法、性別工作同等法或其他法律之徵才文章 翻譯社 =================================================================== 企業名稱:台灣美譯靈有限公司(美商) 負 責 人:Michael Sneddon 地  址:台北市松山區民生東路三段128號7樓之4 電  話:02-25456222 ────────────────────────────────────── 工作類型:全職 In-house 筆譯/審稿 涉及說話:中翻英 所屬範疇:專利技術文件 報答較量爭論:月薪5萬以上,福利及年薪面議 ────────────────────────────────────── 應徵條件: ‧ Native or near-native level English ‧ Fluent Chinese reading skills ‧ Current authorization to work in Taiwan (Visa Sponsorship Available) ‧ Strong communication and logical thinking skills 優先登科: Professional translation experience ‧ Master’s degree in a science subject or experience in a technical field ‧ Knowledge of Trados or other CAT tools 工作內容: ‧ Translation 翻譯公司 revision and editing of technical documents (mainly Chinese to English) ‧ Management of work-related glossaries and translation memories ‧ In-house English training for company employees ‧ Other responsibilities as may be assigned ────────────────────────────────────── 應徵者請供給中英文CV,有任何問題歡迎詢問(^_^) 聯系體式格局:[email protected]; HR◎[email protected] 應徵者請協助線上試譯 (公允性考量,請恕考題沒法公開), 試譯通過將放置現場筆譯及面試。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 另開放兼職職缺,更多資訊請至104: https://goo.gl/U762Kc 公司官網: http://www.multiling.com/

本文引用自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Patent/M.1511504001.A.B54.html


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